Saturday, July 22, 2006

I am visiting with my Grandma and Grandpa Desper this Saturday evening. They just got finished eating day maybe I can have some.

This was my first "official" bath in my tub....
At first I was not sure what was going on but I ended up enjoying it....might have to do that more often.

This is me playing with my latest gift! Look I can see another baby...he is pretty cute!

Last weekend my Great Grandma Pat from Pittsburgh came down to see me. My Great Aunt Pam and my Cousin Ashley also came along. We had a very nice visit and I think they were sad to go home. I hope they come back real soon!!!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Here is a peak of my nursery,I am not yet sleeping in there but once I get a little bit bigger I will be. My daddy worked hard on it while mommy was in the hospital. I am taking a nap now because mommy told me that my Unlce Ian is coming to see me today. He is spending the summer in Nags Head so this will be our first visit together!

Whew....I made it through my first 4th of July! I went with my mommy and daddy to see my Grandma Dalrymple and my Unlce Colin. We cooked out and enjoyed the air condition since it was so hot outside. I have on my outfit mommy's friend Melinda got me, I am all festive:) Thanks Auntie C!

Monday, July 03, 2006

Well it is the day before the 4th of July...not sure what mom and dad have planned but I think we are going to relax today because it is supposed to be very hot outside and of course I am snoozing:)