Monday, December 25, 2006

More Christmas Pictures

It is finally the big day everyone has been talking about for the last few months. I got all sorts of toys and clothes and hugs from friends and family. Christmas Eve we went to my Great Grandma Reba's house and I was able to visit with all of the family again. On Christmas morning my Grandma and Grandpa Desper came over for breakfast and to watch my mom open my gifts while I played with the wrapping paper. This afternoon we went to my other Grandma's house and my Uncle Ian and Uncle Colin were there as well as my Great Grandma Pat from Pittsburgh. We ate a big meal and now we are all relaxing before dessert. I had some mashed potatoes but most of them ended up in my nose:) I hope everyone had a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAVE A WONDERFUL 2007! Love,
Logan, Heather and Chris