Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Well it is Christmas Day 2007 and what a busy day it has been. We woke up at 7am and started making everything for breakfast. Everyone came over at 9:30 and we ate. Presents were next!!!! I wasn't quite sure what all the fuss was but then I saw all the new toys and book and was very excited. Some of the highligts were my Radio Flyer Rocket, Exteme Elmo and Lego's. My Oma and uncles left for Pittsburgh today after opening gifts. My Grandma and PawPaw stayed for a few hours longer and played with me. I finally had to take a nap but woke up just in time for a good dinner and my moms friend Wilma, will be joining us. I hope everyone had a Wonderful Christmas and Best Wishes for 2008!
Love Logan