Saturday, January 01, 2011

I can't believe another year has flown by! My mom and dad took me to Busch Gardens in Williamsburg for their Christmas Town event. They turned the entire park into a magical Christmas Wonderland. I had my picture taken with Elmo and Abby and saw the Sesame Street Christmas Show. We also rode on the "Flight of Lights" which took us high into the night sky and the lights from above were amazing. We also visited the Yankee Candle Flagship store which was a trip in itself! I made my own wax ornament and watched snow fall from the indoor sky! Happy New Year Everyone! Logan :)

Merry Christmas!!!! I had a great Christmas with my family! Christmas Eve we went to my Grandma Reba's house for some food and fun. Christmas was on a Saturday this year and I woke up feeling okay but by mid morning I had a fever and slept most of the day. I made up for it the next day though! :)