Friday, December 22, 2006

Wow, I am now over 6 months old and have 2 of my front teeth...Just in time for Christmas:) I am pushing 15lb and I am over 26 inches long. I am rolling over both ways now, sitting up and eating all sorts of yummy veggies and fruits. I learned how to SHREEK recently...that makes mommy have a funny face. I just smile:) I have the most beautiful Christmas tree and love to sit in my Bumbo Seat(Gift from Grandma and Grandpa Desper)and play with the (non breakable) ornaments. I am going to see Santa tonight and Christmas is just a few days away. My mom and dad said I will have lots of goodies to open...I cannot wait! We will be going to my Great Grandma Reba's for dinner on Christmas Eve and then Christmas Day we will go to my Grandma Dalrymple's where my cool uncles will be there as well as a very special guest, my Great Grandma Frederick all the way from Pittsburgh. I am going to go pick her up @ the airport on Christmas Eve. I can't wait to see her, she misses me alot.
Happy Holiday's to all!!!
Till next year!
Logan Ross

Here are pictures from my 1st Thanksgiving. We went to my Great Grandma Reba's house and had all the fixins. Very yummy...I like mashed potatoes! I had the opportunity to see my aunts, uncles and cousins (some for the very 1st time).