Thursday, October 19, 2006

I went and had lunch with the kids that my mommy used to watch. The little girl's name is Tatum and my mommy was her Nanny when she was a baby like me. Quin is her brother and my mommy babysat both of them over the last several years. We had sandwiches and I got some very cute outfits from them as gifts. Thanks again!!!
Can't wait till I am big enough to play with them.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Some new pictures of me!

This is my first try with rice cereal....I think I prefer mashed potatoes:)

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

My mommy has been busy and is just now getting around to putting all of my picutes on here. I turned 4months old today and I am going to start cereal tonight.

Some Pictures of ME!