Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Well it is Christmas Day 2007 and what a busy day it has been. We woke up at 7am and started making everything for breakfast. Everyone came over at 9:30 and we ate. Presents were next!!!! I wasn't quite sure what all the fuss was but then I saw all the new toys and book and was very excited. Some of the highligts were my Radio Flyer Rocket, Exteme Elmo and Lego's. My Oma and uncles left for Pittsburgh today after opening gifts. My Grandma and PawPaw stayed for a few hours longer and played with me. I finally had to take a nap but woke up just in time for a good dinner and my moms friend Wilma, will be joining us. I hope everyone had a Wonderful Christmas and Best Wishes for 2008!
Love Logan

Monday, December 24, 2007

It is Christmas Eve 2007. We went to my Great Grandma Reba's for a family get together. I had the opportunity to meet my 2nd cousin Tanner for the 1st time and also got to play with Brittany who is Tanner's older sister and she made me laugh alot. Tomorrow my Grandma and PawPaw are coming over as well as Oma, Uncle Ian and Uncle Colin. I heard we get to open all of those pretty packages that are under this big green bush with lights in my living room. Very odd but I am up for it:) My and dad are going to make a nice breakfast and then we are having a big dinner later in the day. Bye for now:)

Monday, December 10, 2007

Hello Everyone and Happy Holiday's! I am 18 months old today! Yesterday I went and had brunch with Santa @ The Boathouse Restaurant in Brandermill. Here are some pictures as well as a picture of our tree! Love, Logan

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends! I went to my Great Grandma Reba's for an early turkey dinner and then to my Oma's house for a late one. I loved all the good food! My Great Grandma from PA came down on Wed. My mom and I picked her up @ the airport and I got to see all the big planes. Yesterday we went up to DC for the day and did some sight seeing. Here are some pictures.


Wednesday, November 07, 2007

My 1st Haircut! I am so handsome!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

I went and had some "Professional" pictures taken. I am 16 months old in these pictures! Enjoy:)

Friday, November 02, 2007

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!! I actually got to go Trick or Treating this year and my mom and dad took me to The Children's Museum. They had all sorts of activities going on and I got a goodie bag full of treats:) I dressed up as a turtle this year. Check out my pics!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Here are some new pictures of ME! I was playing "hide and seek" with the halloween candy pail on my head:)

Sunday, October 14, 2007

This weekend I went and picked out several pumpkins for daddy and I to carve. I got 2 huge ones and 3 little ones. They also had a Moon Bounce and a Hay Maze. It was a beautiful weekend (in the low 70's) and we had a wonderful time. Here are some pictures.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Pictures of me @ my Little Gym class:)

Well it is October already! You wouldn't know it though because it is still warm here in VA. My mommy was away for a few days in Chicago on business but she is back now and I am so happy! Daddy and I missed her but we are men and held the fort down:) Here are some recent pictures of ME!!!

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Today is the day before Labor Day. My mom and dad took me to Maymont Park. We took a long walk through the different gardens and also went through the Children's Petting Zoo. It is much cooler today than it has been, only in the mid 80's. I started my "Little Gym" class yesterday and it was so much fun. I'll be going to that every Saturday for the next 4months. Hopefully I'll meet some new friends. Hope everyone has a wonderful Labor Day!
xoxoxo Logan

Sunday, August 19, 2007

I am just a week or so past my 14 month milestone. I am walking/running everywhere and developing my own personality. I am still taking 2 naps a day and of course still sleeping all night (lukcy parents)! My mom and dad just signed me up for classes @ The Little Gym....I am very excited to start!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I just returned from a visit to Pittsburgh. My mom and I flew up on the 5th and came home on the 10th. My very 1st plane ride and I actually got to go on a total of 4 planes. I had a wonderful time in western PA! I met so many people and visited new places. Enjoy all my pictures!!!!
I was 13mo old yesterday!!!

Monday, July 02, 2007

After spending the night with my Grandma and Grandpa I went to brunch with my mom and dad @ Strawberry Street Cafe and then made it home in time to play in my pool that I got for my birthday. It was so much fun!! My mom even got in with me but she wouldn't post those pictures:)