Monday, June 11, 2007

A day late but I finally got to dig into my birthday cake! I was all over it and boy it was yummy!!!! Mommy and Daddy both said I could make a mess b/c I was going to take a bath when I was finished. I took full advantage of this:)
Happy Birthday to me!!!!!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

I am 1 years old today! WOW...this is exciting! I had a very busy weekend celebrating my birthday, my Uncle Colin's high school graduation and my Uncle Ian's 21st birthday! Busy, busy! Thursday night my Great Aunt Pam, Great Uncle Dennis, Cousin Ashley (now living in Tampa, FL) and Great Grandma Pat all drove down from Pittsburgh to see me. We all went to dinner @ THE BOAT HOUSE and then my mom and dad and everyone else went out on a Pontoon Boat for a few hours while I was @ my Oma's house with my very first "official" babysitter, Devon. My mom told me that she used to babysit Devon...pretty neat! Devon said I was the best baby she had ever watched ...guess that mean's she'll watch me again sometime!
Saturday was my birthday party @ THE PLAYROOM. All of my friends and family came to help me celebrate this very special day. I received so many special presents and it was wonderful to see everyone! The guest list was very long but of course my Oma and my Grandma and Grandpa Desper were their to help celebrate. My cake was so yummy and my mom said that her co-worker made was the best!!!
Saturday night was my Uncle Colin's Graduation Party. We had more wonderful food! My Great Aunt Pinky and Great Uncle Dana from DC came down as well as my Great Aunt Barbara, Great Uncle Bud, my Cousin Zachary, his wife Jancee and my Cousin Courtney also from Pittsburgh.
Now it is Sunday and it is my actual birthday. My mom, dad and I just relaxed and played with all my new toys this morning until it was time to go to my Uncle Colin's Graduation. I was clapping for him! Congrats Colin!!!! I am very proud of you and can't wait to visit you @ George Mason next year! This evening we went by my Grandma and Grandpa's house. I took a little cat nap @ their house and now we are home and getting ready to call it a night. It was a very fun and exciting weekend for everyone.
I want to thank everyone for coming to see me and attending my party. This has been a wonderful 1st year and I cannot wait to see what happens in the next 12mo.


Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Well I have returned from my 1st vacation to the beach! We had a great time! I really loved splashing around in the pool as well as playing in the sand. We had sunny, warm weather everyday! We had yummy food and ice cream (one of my favorites)!
I am now a 2% Milk boy and eating what my mom and dad eat with a little baby food here and there. I'll be turning 1 in just a few days...I can't wait!!!!!!!