Sunday, November 25, 2007

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends! I went to my Great Grandma Reba's for an early turkey dinner and then to my Oma's house for a late one. I loved all the good food! My Great Grandma from PA came down on Wed. My mom and I picked her up @ the airport and I got to see all the big planes. Yesterday we went up to DC for the day and did some sight seeing. Here are some pictures.


Wednesday, November 07, 2007

My 1st Haircut! I am so handsome!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

I went and had some "Professional" pictures taken. I am 16 months old in these pictures! Enjoy:)

Friday, November 02, 2007

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!! I actually got to go Trick or Treating this year and my mom and dad took me to The Children's Museum. They had all sorts of activities going on and I got a goodie bag full of treats:) I dressed up as a turtle this year. Check out my pics!