Friday, June 12, 2009

I am 3!!!!!! Wednesday, June 10th was my birthday! My mommy and daddy can't believe it! I am excited though:) On my birthday we had dinner at the house and my mommy and I made cupcakes...they were delicious! Today is Friday the 12th of June and my Oma Bonnie, Uncle Ian, Uncle Colin, Papa and Grandma are coming over for a BBQ and cake! Tomorrow all of my friends are coming over for a SPIDERMAN Party! We are going to swim in my pool, run through my Spiderman sprinkler and play on my NEW Swing Set!!! I can't wait!!!!! Happy Birthday to me!!!!!!

Well off to the beach we went! We had a great time, beautiful weather and have determined we are going to be North Carolina bound one day soon! We spent most of our days on the beach and then Ocracoke one day and had lunch @ our favorite restaurant...Howard's Pub! Yummy!

Monday, June 01, 2009

Happy Summer Everyone!!!! We put together my 3rd Birthday present this weekend (a few weeks early)!~~ Thanks Oma Bonnie, Grandma and Papa and Oma Pat Pat! My daddy and Papa worked hard and I really love it! Here are some pics!

My daddy's birthday is tomorrow!!! Happy Birthday to the World's Best Daddy!!! I love you!!!!!!!
xoxox Logan