Saturday, March 03, 2012

Well it has been a little while since I have posted on here. Logan is getting so big and keeps us busy! Now 5 1/2 he simply amazes us daily. He still loves to draw, play with Legos and super heros and do anything boy! School is going great! He enjoys his Spanish and Art class the best. Chris chaperoned a trip to the Science Museum a few weeks ago and Logan hasn't stopped talking about all they learned there. Can we say LIQUID NITROGEN!!!

Today the three of us went to see the Mummy Exhibit @ the Virginia Fine Arts Museum. Logan has been asking to go since Oma Bonnie brought him back some souvenirs from her trip to Egypt last year. So since the "Mummies" arrived in town back in November; Logan has been on us to go. So now that there is only 2 weeks left we made plans to go today. It was GREAT! If you live in the area and haven't been have to go before March 14th!!! The movie which started off the exhibit was amazing...3D! I would have been happy if that was it but, it wasn't. After the movie we went into a large room with amazing artifacts. We all really enjoyed the day.

After all that we were starving so we had a family lunch at....Friendly's! Who can resist a Happy Ending Sundae:)

So that was our Saturday in a nutshell! I promise to start posting more pictures....I have been slack!!!