Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I am down visiting my Grandma Dalrymple today,it is her Birthday! Mommy and I made her a cake this morning and I had a little was yummy:) Here is a picture of Grandma and me. I turned 12 weeks old this past Sat. Wow how time flies! I went to the Dr the other day and I was 10lb 7oz and 22 1/2 inches long. I had to get 4 shots but I only cried for a minute.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to all of you. Grandmom Dalrymple, you look great holding that little boy!!! Enjoy every minute and once again congratulations! Love, Joyce from NJ!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello honey its Ali your long lost friend. HEather and Chris the baby is beautiful!!!! Congrats ! I am sooo happy to hear that you are doing good yourself. HE totally looks like you!!!! Merry Christmas and I wish you guys nothing but good health and happiness...(guess that is the nurse in me heehee :) Love ya girl, Ali